Critical and collaborative praxis research for justice and solidarity

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About CGHR

The Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CGHR) is an outward focused multi-disciplinary research endeavour strongly committed to advancing thought and practice within areas of critical importance to global justice and human well-being in the twenty-first century.

CGHR is co-directed by Dr Ella McPherson, Associate Professor of the Sociology of New Media and Digital Technology at the Department of Sociology, and Professor Sharath Srinivasan, David and Elaine Potter Professor in International Politics at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS).  

The Centre’s mission is to be widely valued as a dynamic, innovative and collaborative research network with proven expertise, producing high quality scholarly outputs. As such, the Centre is particularly interested in building bridges between the academy, policymakers and practitioners, and does so through core research themes as well as through innovative spin-out projects.

Digital Media, Voice and Power

Human Rights in the Digital Age

CGHR’s Human Rights in the Digital Age theme addresses the emergent and rapidly evolving changes wrought to human rights practices and norms by the use of digital technologies. With respect to practices, this includes human rights fact-finding and advocacy; with respect to norms, this includes human rights related to communication, information, expression, privacy, assembly and association. 

Justice and Accountability

Violence, Conflict and Peacebuilding

Students at CGHR

Updates from the CGHR Student Group

The Student Group are working on a research project assessing the impact of AI technologies on the surveillance and policing of protest groups between 2019 and 2023.