
Updates from CGHR’s Postdoctoral Scholar

Michaelmas 2022 was a very productive term for our Postdoctoral Scholar Dr Sebastián Lehuedé! In November, he attended the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference in Dublin, where he received the Best Dissertation Award (photo) for his doctoral thesis on decolonial approaches to data governance. Last month Sebastián was also invited by Medialab Madrid to present latest research on digital infrastructure and environmental activism.

Sebastián also taught the postgraduate paper Technology & Global Social Justice at POLIS In Michaelmas Term, in which students discussed issues such as platform labour and algorithmic injustice from decolonial, feminist, Indigenous and other perspectives. Finally, the Tapuya: Science, Technology and Society journal published Sebastián and Marcela Suárez’s (Freie Universitat Berlin) co-edited special volume on ‘The Terrestrial Internet’. We are looking forward to hearing more about Sebastián’s current research on digital and environmental rights in Latin America!