The Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund
Funding from the Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund, which aims to support research to African countries, given to CGHR researchers, has enabled collaborative work with with African partners on digital media, voice and power, especially related to technology and COVID-19.
The Cambridge University Diversity Fund
The UDF supports initiatives across the University that aim to challenge discrimination and inequalities, increase the representation of under-represented groups, raise awareness of issues related to inequality, diversity and inclusion, and facilitate implementation of good practice at the University. UDF funding (2022) supports a campaign around testimonies for End Everyday Racism witnessing platform powered by the Whistle.
The Economic and Social Research Council
The ESRC funded Ella’s research into human rights NGOs use of social media platforms for evidence and advocacy as part of her Future Research Leader grant, supplemented by the Isaac Newton Trust (2014-17).
The Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account
Cambridge ESRC-IAA has Funded the Whistle on two Occasions, the first (2015) was to develop the prototype of this platform which supports the collection and analysis of digital evidence for social and institutional change.The second (2021-23) is to build a chatbot for asylum seekers, in collaboration with Human Rights Network, which both provides information on the asylum-seeking process and collects evidence of systematic human rights violations.
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID)
ESRC-DFID provided research funding for CGHR’s Politics and Interactive Media in Africa (PiMA) project(2012-2014) on how African broadcast media are using new ICTs to gather public opinion, as well as their effects on political accountability. The insight from this research fed directly into the methods piloted and applied in the work of Africa’s Voices.
European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
A grant from Horizon 2020 funded the theoretical and material development of the Whistle, as well as its use in test cases related to gendered violence, everyday racism, human rights violations committed against asylum-seekers.
Wellcome Trust and UK DFID
Funding from the Wellcome Trust and the UK DFID for Multiyear research project (2016-2019) enabled CGHR researchers to explore how interactive radio broadcasts can be used in public health emergencies as a rapid-response social research and public health communications method, by conducting and assessing their use in the context of the Zika virus in Cape Verde and Cholera outbreaks in Somalia.