
BOOK LAUNCH! When Peace Kills Politics: International Intervention and Unending Wars in the Sudans

Author: Dr Sharath Srinivasan

When Peace Kills Politics explains the role of international peacemaking in reproducing violence and political authoritarianism in Sudan and South Sudan in recent decades. Dr Sharath Srinivasan explains how Sudan’s landmark North–South peace process that achieved the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement fuelled war in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile, alongside how it contributed to Sudan’s failed political transformation and newly independent South Sudan’s rapid descent into civil war. Concluding with the conspicuous absence of ‘peace’ when non-violent revolutionary political change came to Sudan in 2019, Srinivasan examines at close range why outsiders’ peace projects may displace civil politics and raise the political currency of violence. With an original contribution to theorizing peace and peacemaking drawing upon the political thought of Hannah Arendt, the book is an analysis of the tragic shortcomings of attempting to build a non-violent political realm through neat designs and tools of compulsion, where the end goal of peace becomes caught up in idealized constitutional texts, technocratic templates and deals on sharing spoils. When Peace Kills Politics demands a radical rethinking of the project of peace in civil wars, grounded in a more earnest commitment to civil political action.

Dr. Sharath Srinivasan is Co-Director of the University of Cambridge’s Centre of Governance and Human Rights, David and Elaine Potter Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies, and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Alongside When Peace Kills Politics, which came out with Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press in 2021, he is also co-editor (with Sarah Nouwen and Laura James) of the volume, Making and Breaking Peace in Sudan and South Sudan: The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and Beyond (Proceedings of the British Academy/OUP, 2020), and co-editor of Publics in Africa in a Digital Age (Routledge, 2021).