Clea Kahn has more than 20 years’ experience in the humanitarian sector. She now works on a diverse array of projects as an independent consultant. Her areas of expertise include migration and refugees, gender and gender-based violence, protection, including protection of civilians in armed conflict, and humanitarian principles.
Working with organisations like the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI), Red Cross and Red Crescent, Médecins sans Frontières, the Start Network and the UK Department for International Development (now FCDO), Clea has conducted research and evaluations, produced strategies and guidance, delivered training, and provided programme and policy guidance and advice. She serves on the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for Gatwick immigration detention centres, and on the Governing Board of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP). Clea is currently pursuing a doctorate in counselling psychology.
CGHR’s Practitioner Series:
CGHR runs a Practitioner Series each year in Lent term, which features human rights activists, aid practitioners, journalists and others working in the fields of governance and human rights. Our speakers relate stories about their own experience and trajectory with details about what the work itself involves. The session thus offers a combination of substantive discussion of the speaker’s work and critical views on the challenges of working in their area, as well as personal and practical insights into how they ended up doing what they do and how they would advise others thinking about practice/policy as a possible future after studies/research.
CGHR’s Practitioner Series provides undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers with the chance to interact with practitioners at the cutting edge of their fields.