
ExPRESSion RePRESSion: Expert panel on international efforts to protect journalists at risk

Join us for an expert panel event with Christof Heyns, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Pansy Tlakula, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, Frank La Rue, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Joel Simon, Executive Director, Committee to Protect Journalists, and Celia Davies, Program Development Manager at Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, Azerbaijan. The discussion, moderated by William Horsely, former BBC correspondent, will consider the status of journalism today in the modern age of information dissemination. It will discuss journalist repression, and the role of the state in impunity for the perpetrators of violence against journalists.