As part of the 15th Cambridge African Film Festival, the Centre of Governance and Human Rights is sponsoring the screening of “Things of the Aimless Wanderer”, a provoking film that weaves together a series of encounters between an African woman and a variety of male figures – from a 19th-century explorer to a contemporary Western journalist to a Rwandan working for a shadowy surveillance agency. As each encounter leads to a disappearance, Ruhorahoza offers a scathing, if at times cryptic, indictment of continuing objectification and misapprehensions between “locals” and “Westerners”. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the Director, Kivu Ruhorahoza, as well as Dr Piotr Cieplak (expert on Rwandan film and photography) and Dr Andrea Grant (Centre of African Studies and the Centre of Governance & Human Rights, Cambridge).