
Framing Peace: The case of conciliatory radio programming in Burundi and Uganda

Join us for a talk with Dr William Tayeebwa’s, whose postdoctoral project uses insights from ‘peace radio’ programming in northern Uganda to interrogate the ‘peace radio’ model in Burundi. Dr Tayeebwa will present his project, drawing on work from two case studies of programmes in Burundi. Having taken into account the role that Rwanda’s Radio-Télévision Libre des Milles Colline (RTLM) played in the 1994 genocide, in August 1995 Search for Common Ground (SCG), an American non-governmental organisation, set up “Studio Ijambo” (Kirundi for “wise words”): an independent radio production studio whose programmes would promote dialogue, peace, and reconciliation. Subsequently, such models of ‘peace radio’ programming have proliferated in the African Great Lakes region, sponsored mainly by Western donor agencies.