Join us for a talk with Hamja Ahsan, Julian Huppert MP, Kate Honey (Green Party) – co-hosted by Cambridge Students PEN and the CGHR – on Talha Ahsan. Ahsan is a British-born poet, translator and human rights activist who was held for over a year in solitary confinement in a US “supermax” prison, without ever being charged. His poetry, written in response to his 8-year ordeal facing extradition and an unjust justice system, won the Arthur Koestler prize in 2012, and his case has received support from figures including Noam Chomsky, novelist AL Kennedy, Shami Chakrabarti and Caroline Lucas. His brother, Hamja Ahsan, who was shortlisted for the Liberty Human Rights Award 2013, will talk about his brother’s case and explore the problems with the extradition agreement between the US and UK. He will also talk about his brother’s poetry, and how the arts can be used in extradition cases.