
Drawing attention to the lived realities of algorithmic governance: a vibrant theme launch event

On Wednesday 16 October 2024 our Postdoctoral Scholar Dr Ashwin Varghese delivered a successful launch event for CGHR’s new research theme: Global Experiences of Algorithmic Governance. In front of a very engaged audience, he presented his work on e-governance and smart policing in Kerala, where he engages with questions of discretion of subordinate police personnel and explores whether the state of Kerala is experimenting with an alternate model of algorithmic governance.

Moderated by CGHR Co-Directors Dr Ella McPherson and Prof Sharath Srinivasan, the talk culminated in a lively discussion with the audience that further explored the concept of algorithmic governance and digital transformations of state practices.

The next talk in the seminar series will be delivered by Prof Christian Katzenbach on 29 October 2024 and centre around the topic of Algorithmic Governance & Agency: Imaginaries, Infrastructures and Politics.