
20 years after the genocide in Rwanda: Presentation and reflections on the judicial process

The Centre of Governance and Human Rights and RCN Justice & Démocratie invite you to a discussion on the Rwandan genocide and the subsequent judicial process, in honour of the 2014 commemoration of the genocide committed in 1994. Following the genocide, with more than 100,000 suspects in prison and only 20 active magistrates, the Rwandese government and the international community must face the gravity and scope of the committed crimes. How can one judge the authors of these crimes? What are the legal sentences foreseen? What are the alternatives? How can one re-build a country where victims and génocidaires are bound to live together? Panelists include Martien Schotsmans, Legal Expert, Criminologist, Director RCN Justice & Démocratie, Hélène Morvan, in charge of the transmission of memory and conflict prevention project at RCN Justice & Démocratie, Andrew Swindells, freelance journalist and researcher, and moderator Dr Devon Curtis, University Lecturer POLIS. The event will include an audio testimonial of Gasana Ndoba (Rwandese human rights activist) and a Q&A.