One co-editor (Pamela Aall) and two authors (‘Funmi Olonisakin and Sharath Srinivasan) pre-launch a forthcoming book from CIGI , the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Canada, ‘Minding the Gap: African Conflict Management in a Time of Change’ – Chaired by Devon Curtis (POLIS, Cambridge). The book, edited by CIGI Senior Fellow Pamela Aall and Distinguished Fellow Chester A. Crocker, addresses managing African armed conflicts. Responding to these conflicts requires concerted action to manage the crises. But it is also necessary to rebuild communities, societies and states torn apart by the conflict, addressing the long-term social and economic impacts. This complex formula requires a multi-faceted approach and the cooperation of many different individuals and institutions. How well are African states and societies coping with these dual challenges? What are the prospects for a multi-faceted, collaborative approach to conflict management in Africa?