Dr. Tom Ling is Head of Impact, Innovation and Evidence at Save the Children where his responsibilities include ensuring that evaluations contribute to policy and change in the challenging environment of International Development. He joined Save the Children in March 2012. He studied Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University and completed a PhD in Government at Essex University. Prior to Save the Children, Tom spent eight years at RAND Europe, where he was Director for Evaluation and Performance Audit following four years as Senior Research Fellow at the National Audit Office in the UK. Before that he taught and researched in various Universities. He has over twenty years of experience in researching on and leading research projects and has worked on and led evaluation projects with the European Commission, UK Government departments, the National Audit Office, the Health Foundation in the UK and many others. He has published widely on evaluation, accountability and related topics. He recently co-edited Performance Audit: Contributing to Accountability in Democratic Government, following his Performance Audit Handbook and The Evidence Book, a critical examination of the use of evidence in public policy and service delivery.