Join us for a talk co-hosted by Cambridge University Amnesty International, CGHR and Clare Politics. During this discussion we hope to address questions such as: Are organisations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations, and human rights theory in general, inherently imperialistic because of the nature of their inception? Does the nature of their inception render their work illegitimate and/or harmful or is it irrelevant? Does the over-intellectualisation of human rights theory impede humanitarian efforts? Is ‘cultural relativism’ a form of racism? Do charities patronise the people they try to help? We are inviting academics, students, legal minds and activists to discuss these questions and the real-life implications that they have on work in the charitable and human rights sectors. They include Dr. Sharath Srinivasan, Lucy Wake – the Government and Political Relations Manager for Amnesty International – Professor Stephen Hopgood – co-Director of the Centre for the International Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice (CCRJ) at SOAS – Dr. Arathi Sriprakash – a sociologist of education, globalisation, and international development at Cambridge – and PhD student Srishti Krishnamoorthy.