Join us for a talk with Professor David Newman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and holder of the Professorial Chair in Geopolitics at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. This talk is sponsored by the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, and the CGHR. It will attempt to outline the major questions facing both border scholars and practitioners in the coming decade, as parallel narratives will compete with each other for hegemony in the determination of public policy. These respectively either emphasise the positive experience of crossing borders which have been opened and the discovery of what lies on the “other” side, or the hardship which is impacted by the construction of new walls and fences, thus making it more difficult to reach across and move beyond the rigidly compartmentalised spaces or territories of the home group. Who will determine the characteristics of our future borders? Will they be visible or invisible borders, and will they create a sense of safety or, alternately, a new sense of fear and threat from the “other”, due to a new invisibility?