CGHR’s past year has been marked by vibrant community engagement and impactful projects. We welcomed the academic year with new projects, including the “Provocations for Tech Design & Human Rights” which was developed by Sebastián, Sharath and Ella as part of their ongoing fellowships at Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Before he left, former CGHR Postdoctoral Scholar Sebastián gave an excellent lecture ‘Elemental Ethics for AI‘ reflecting on his theoretical explorations and empirical fieldwork he conducted during his time at CGHR. Meanwhile, the Co-Directors Sharath and Ella worked on their forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Assembly.
Lent 2024 brought further intellectual exploration with our Practitioner Series, featuring experts like Albert Fox Cahn and Dr. Comfort Ero, and a book launch ‘Capturing News, Capturing Democracy’ by latest CGHR Research Associate Dr Kate Wright. The CGHR Student Group focused on their AI and protest policing project whilst the Declarations podcast team launched a new season commemorating 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The highlight of our year was the CGHR/CARR 2024 Spring Convening of Technology and Human Rights Fellows in early May. And as part of the convening, we organised an ‘AI & Human Rights’ expert panel discussion co-moderated by Sharath and Ella. Most recently, we celebrated the 10th year anniversary of Africa’s Voices— a spin-out project from CGHR’s research.
Throughout these terms, our community has remained dedicated to advancing justice, solidarity, and citizen voice, exemplified by our collaborative initiatives and diverse scholarly activities. Looking forward, we are delighted to that Dr. Ashwin Varghese, our new Postdoctoral Scholar, will soon be launching a new theme at CGHR: ‘Algorithmic Governance’.